
5 Steps to Massive Profits - A Business Marketing Tip

by: Steve Majors

Here's a business marketing tip to gain maximum profit from any product or service in your business marketing lineup, and how you will gain extreme profits when you follow these 5 simple, LAZY steps;

1. Look not at what you are offering through your business marketing efforts - look at WHO WILL BUY your product/service. Make a picture of your 'typical buyer' -
who they are, their age, what they like to do, etc. This is often known as the 'target market prospect', yet, the more detailed you define this 'target' in your business
marketing, the better.

I've even gone to the point of giving this 'target market' person a name and put a picture up on my computer monitor (find a 'friendly face' on the Internet somewhere and 'tag'
it as your target market prospect) - get your business marketing centered around every aspect of your target - the more you know them, the easier it is to chat about what they

2. Develop a list of your target market prospect's likes and dislikes as it would relate to a product/service similar to yours. (You'll get a 'third party' look at your competition,
as well as some inside looks at their business marketing efforts.)

Consider some questions they would have, or some typical objections to buying this similar product/service (this may come from your previous research, or you may have to simply do some).

One way to personalize the business marketing research of your 'target market prospect' is to 'role play' - think about your prospect as a good friend that you are having a
picnic with (or even a co-worker at the water cooler, etc.) and in passing, your friend brings up that 'similar' product/service.

What do they say about it?

What are their questions/concerns?

Is there a 'running joke' about the competition's product/service that defines a hole in their business marketing? (i.e., "Did you hear about the lady that used X?")

All these things need to be addressed, and documented.
Let your mind be creative and wander, but keep it to a time limit - about 15-20 minutes per business marketing 'play' session. Think of nothing but this 'conversation' during
this creative (often fun) time.

It might even be helpful for you to say everything that comes to mind out loud during these business marketing planning sessions(as silly as that sounds, it works...) and
record it, as some of the best business marketing ideas get overlooked when you are trying to write them down quickly.

Listening back for those 'nuggets' might even trigger other 'bits of business marketing gold' for you to work with.

3. Figure out how your product/service and business marketing plan is similar, yet different than the competition. Just how does your solution overcome all the
questions, concerns and yes, even 'jokes' from your target?

If you can't answer these questions for yourself, how would you expect to answer them from your prospect?

The beautiful part about this business marketing exercise is that, if you go through it with commitment, you will already know the answers to the prospect's questions BEFORE they ask them - which quickly eliminates any fears you might have about talking with them.

4. Continue this simple exercise - every couple days for a week or so. Giving 15-20 minutes of serious thought to your business marketing plan and role playing every couple days will stimulate your conscious mind, as well as keep your unconscious mind actively thinking about it.

You'll be surprised at the outcome of taking these steps seriously.

But be forewarned - you will very likely have a very different outlook about your prospect after one week of this simple, yet extremely effective business marketing, 'target
market' finding tool!

You will know them as well as you know yourself, so you will be able to talk with them about things quickly, simply and with the best, consistent results of your business marketing efforts.

5. Now, take a look at your product/service and business marketing plan - through the prospect's eyes (now that you can clearly see through them...)

Does it fit your prospect's needs?

Does it answer their questions and eliminate their fears?

Is it priced right for your target prospect?

Is there a market for your product/service other than your personalized target market prospect? (This step is vital as a 'reality check" - and one that many business marketing
planners miss)

When you follow these five steps faithfully, you will have credibility, knowledge and successful long-term relationships with your customers (who used to be simply
'target market prospects' before you understood the power of this business marketing tip!).

About the author:
Steve Majors - To-the-point training and coaching for business and wealth creation through creative Real Estate investing. Known as "The Lazy Investor", with courses and training sessions to slingshot your success. http://SteveMajors.com

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5 Reasons NOT To Have a Marketing Plan

by: Bobette Kyle
Imagine your perfect customers -- the ones that will eagerly buy your products or hire you for premium pay. Imagine being able to bring those perfect customers to you and having them buy your products or services not once, but again and again. That's what an effectively executed marketing plan does. It reaches the people who want what you are offering, convinces them to take action, and keeps them coming back.

Sounds nice, right? So why doesn't every business have a marketing plan? Let's take a look at some of the reasons you may not:

1. "We had a marketing plan once, but it didn't work. It isn't worth the time to put one together."

No marketing plan will work if you do not work the plan. The planning document is there for business managers to use as a strategic reference throughout the year, as programs in the plan are executed and as other opportunities come along. Any marketing plan that is filed away and forgotten as soon as it's written is useless.

2. "So-and-so had a marketing plan and it didn't help his business at all!"

Marketing is a process, not a singular event. A marketing plan is only the first step in that process. It points your business in the right direction by detailing marketing strategies and programs that will move you toward business objectives.

You must execute the programs in your plan so that you can evaluate program success. Rarely does a marketing program work best on the first try. It is up to you to analyze barriers to success, then tweak and tinker until you are getting positive results. If you ignore critical follow-up, most of your marketing programs -- whether you have a marketing plan or not -- will fail or fall short of their potential for success.

3. "Marketing planning is too hard."

Writing a marketing plan doesn't have to be complicated. There are different levels of planning. More intricate marketing planning processes will result in more refined strategies, with better potential for success. But, if you have limited resources, a top-line approach to planning is much better than none at all.

4. "We don't know how to write a marketing plan."

There are numerous books, software, "toolbox" resources, and articles that take you step-by-step through the process of creating a marketing plan. Frankly, not knowing how is an excuse, not a reason, to avoid marketing planning.

5. "My business is too small for a marketing plan."

Sound marketing strategy is critical to small business success, especially new businesses. Statistics vary widely depending on the source, but most reports cite failure rates for small business at 65% -- 90%. Knowing ahead of time how you will compete and how you will be successful in your marketplace can dramatically increase your chances of success.

Your marketing plan is a vital key to small business success. If you do not have a current plan, start one today. Your company's success depends on it.

About the author:
Bobette Kyle has been proprietor at
http://www.WebSiteMarketingPlan.comsince 2002. For tips on
how to make the marketing plan process go smoothly, visit
http://www.MarketingPlanArticles.comand read "Tips to Help
Calm ‘Marketing Plan Panic.'

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3 Powerful Concepts That Climb Marketing Mountains

by: Michael Nicholas

You have probably heard many times how you should offer
fr.ee reports. Like many of us, the idea of putting in work
to give something away may have gone through you
transparent. (Right in your mind's ear and out the other :>)

So, if you passed over this idea before, you are not alone.
However, I am here to tell you to reconsider it and for
good reason. Why? Because this is one idea that is doable
from any level. And, it still works and always will.

It can get your marketing off the ground without much if
any costs. It can literally be your marketing vehicle to
gain exposure, build a email list and even crank in
affiliate commissions along the way.

This is not just another gorilla marketing tactic for folks
who can't afford to advertise. Not at all. It's way more
than that. Top marketers still use fr.ee reports as a
legitimate marketing tool.

Why? Because they can penetrate a valuable message
almost instantly with the least amount of marketing friction.

In this article you will discover why Fr.ee, Branding and
Viral are 3 powerful concepts that hold a strong place in
online marketing. You can get in on it now and climb some
marketing mountains - here's how.

"Fr.ee" speaks for itself. It can cheapify or gratify
depending on how you present it. There are many ways to add
value to make people want what you will give them. Offer
useful information to a targeted group and they'll eat it
out of your hands.

"Viral Marketing" is a coined term in Internet marketing
which indicates a passing from one to another - like a

"Branding" is the key to viral marketing. This is a form of
personalization that can be passed along from marketer to
recipient. Then the recipient can also pass it along as a
marketer to his recipients, and so on.

This forms an ongoing cycle that carries with it an
incentive to keep the distribution in motion. Your
personalization can travel along by literally hundreds,
even thousands carrying links leading back to you and the products you represent.

Sound complicated? - It's not!

So, how does this viral marketing information get into so many hands? Again, it's the incentive that everyone involved can achieve something. This propels the viral distribution. And it's all possible because of branding!

Hot Tip: Think of it this way.

How many thousands of people do you think are interested in buying a popular ebook or piece of software that you already own?

What you should do then is create a fr.ee special report teaching something useful about the product. Show them a few of it's many benefits before they buy it and they may just
decide to buy it through your affiliate link.

That's the power of the 3 concepts and it works like a charm everyday on the Internet. Please don't over look this very important point.

So, what's in branding reports for you?

Great question - let's go over it.

For example:

* In return for joining your email list, you can use fr.ee branded reports offering them to your signups.

* You can let others a give them away adding useful content to their websites or even as an added bonus with products that you sell.

* You make affiliate commissions when someone buys from your branded links inside the report(s).

And, even if you are branding someone else's report, there's about zero work involved and you can still benefit as if it's your own.

By giving away fr.ee reports, you can dramatically build your email list and boost affiliate commissions. The more viral reports you use in your marketing, the more it
will increase your opportunities.

So, remember to offer several Fr.ee Branded Viral Reports and let the multiplicity of the Internet work for (c) Michael Nicholas -All Rights Reserved

About the author:
Michael Nicholas' 1st special report received an explosive
692 signups in just 48 hours adding 1600 new subscribers in
just 1 week! To find out how he did it, get his Free How To
Brand Report! http://www.orderbuttontriggers.com/pdf-report

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